TMJ Therapy
Putting a Stop to Chronic Jaw Pain
The jaw is connected to the rest of the skull by way of the TMJ, or temporomandibular joints. It is one of the most complex joints in your body, and that consequently means there are various ways it can become damaged. TMJ disorder can be very painful and may lead to a variety of issues throughout the head, neck, and beyond. At Holliston Complete Dentistry, if you schedule a consultation with us, we can get to the root of the issue and treat it, so you can return to a normal, pain-free life thanks to TMJ therapy.
Why Choose Holliston Complete Dentistry for TMJ Therapy?
Dental Team with
Years of Experience -
Fully Personalized
Occlusal Splints - Cutting-Edge Technology and Techniques
What is TMJ?
The term TMJ refers to the joints themselves, and any issue they suffer is called TMJ disorder, or TMD. There are many possible causes, with the most common being strain, injury, bruxism, and bite misalignment. In short, TMD generally occurs when the TMJ either becomes dysfunctional or they are exposed to an excessive amount of pressure. The symptoms of TMD vary, but they may include pain and stiffness of the jaw or face, a frequently popping or clicking jaw, earaches, and lockjaw.
Equilibration/ Occlusal Adjustments
When TMD is properly diagnosed, we may find that the cause is the teeth not properly fitting together. To fix the problem, we’ll need to change the shape of the teeth themselves, normally by removing a small amount of enamel from the chewing surfaces. The alterations will be very slight, so most people won’t even notice that they’ve occurred at all, but they can still make all the difference in restoring balance to your bite.
Occlusal Splints
An occlusal splint is the name for an oral appliance used to treat TMD. It will be designed to hold your jaw comfortably in its proper alignment, taking pressure off the TMJ and helping the various muscles, ligaments, and nerves in the area relax and heal. Also, an occlusal splint can directly prevent the unconscious teeth grinding that often occurs as a consequence of TMD. Some people only need to wear an occlusal splint for a few months, but others may need to keep using it long-term for the best results.