Preventive Dentistry

Maintaining Beautiful Smiles for Decades

Your natural teeth are not capable of healing themselves when injured, and when the permanent teeth are lost, new ones do not grow in their place. In short, if you want your natural smile to last, you need to take good care of it. Doing so means scheduling regular appointments at Holliston Complete Dentistry with Dr. Abernethy to have your smile examined and cleaned. Call us today if it has been at least six months since your last checkup.

Why Choose Holliston Complete Dentistry for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Cleanings Performed
    with Dental Lasers
  • Dental Team with High Level of Experience
  • All Dental Problems Treated Under One Roof

Dental Checkups
& Teeth Cleanings

Woman smiling during dental visit

Each checkup includes a thorough oral examination that allows our team to find, diagnose, and treat any dental problems that are already present in the mouth. These biannual visits are also an opportunity for us to perform a refreshing dental cleaning to remove the plaque and tartar that can cause cavities and gum disease. At our dental office, we use a cutting-edge dental laser to sterilize your teeth as thoroughly as possible, painlessly removing harmful bacteria and substances.

for Bruxism

Clear nightguard on metal tray

When we’re examining your teeth, we may find that they’ve become worn down and flattened. This could be a sign that you’re experiencing bruxism, which is a condition that causes you to involuntarily grind your teeth while you’re asleep. To avoid the most severe consequences of bruxism, you’ll need to get some protection for your smile, which comes in the form of a small oral appliance known as a nightguard. It will keep your teeth separated so that they don’t make any harmful contact with each other during the night.

Fluoride Treatments

Patient receiving fluoride

Drinking water that has been treated with fluoride and using ADA-approved fluoride-based toothpastes will help your teeth resist decay and cavities much better over the long term. But if you’re simply not getting enough fluoride through the normal means, a topical fluoride treatment can be performed during your regular checkup. The process is quick and simple, but the benefits can make all the difference in preventing a cavity before your next appointment.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Man receiving dental screening

Even though oral cancer is often fatal, it can be treated successfully quite often – provided that it’s caught in its early stages. Unfortunately, you may not notice the warning signs on your own until it’s too late, but luckily, we are able to check for signs of oral cancer during your routine dental appointments. If any symptoms pointing to cancerous or precancerous tissues are found, we will make the necessary arrangements for follow-up care immediately.