Holliston Complete Dentistry Blog

Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry You Shouldn’t Believe

March 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — thebloomcenter @ 2:06 am

Myths and facts under torn paper

Anyone can turn the smile of their dreams into reality with cosmetic dentistry. However, there are many misconceptions about elective services, but much of what you’ve heard probably isn’t true. Don’t let rumors stand in the way of a picture-perfect smile. Here are the facts behind 4 common cosmetic dentistry myths.


Common Cosmetic Dental Issues (And What You Can Do About Them)

February 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — thebloomcenter @ 6:35 pm
Young adult with a beautiful smile

Any dentist will tell you that just about everyone has something that they don’t really love about their smile. There are all kinds of cosmetic issues that someone can have, and even the most minor ones can drive someone who has them absolutely crazy.

Thankfully, for any issue that you could have, there’s a cosmetic dental treatment that’s designed perfectly to help you. Here are some of the most common issues you could have, and what your dentist could do about them.


Chip Your Tooth? Follow These 5 Helpful Steps!

January 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — thebloomcenter @ 5:30 am
a man showing his chipped tooth

Your pearly whites do a lot for you. They give shape to your face and make your smile beautiful. Your teeth also allow you to eat a wide range of foods and speak clearly and comfortably. So, of course, when you accidentally chip a tooth, it can be quite alarming. As a matter of fact, it can be so alarming that you are at a loss for what to do next. The good news is that it is a solvable situation! Here are five steps to take when you chip a tooth so you can get back to a complete smile as soon as possible.


How Veneers Can Straighten Teeth in Just Two Appointments

December 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — thebloomcenter @ 4:54 pm
Close-up of a woman with straight teeth

There is no shortage of people who are dissatisfied with their teeth, but many of them are a little too busy to get orthodontic treatment. Both Invisalign and traditional braces take over a year to see results, and you’ll need to see your dentist every few months to check on the course of your treatment. While your dentist will be happy to make that as convenient as possible for you, it can still be hard to find the time.

Veneers are sometimes called instant orthodontics because they can give you a straighter smile within just two appointments. If you want to learn a little more about how to straighten your teeth with this cosmetic procedure, here’s a guide that can help.


The Connection Between Cranberries and Your Oral Health

November 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — thebloomcenter @ 7:52 pm
a bowl of cranberries

The holidays are a time to partake in your favorite seasonal foods. From turkey to stuffing to pumpkin pie, traditional treats are plentiful. And don’t forget the cranberry sauce! Since this vibrant fruit is harvested in the fall, it is a common food during the holiday season. But did you know it can help keep your teeth healthy? Keep reading to learn three ways cranberries contribute to a healthy smile!


Why Tooth-colored Fillings are Better than Amalgam

July 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — thebloomcenter @ 11:24 pm
3-D model of a tooth filled with composite resin

You’ve probably seen those metal fillings you can get when you have a cavity. Maybe you’ve caught a glimpse of one when someone opened their mouth, or maybe you have a few yourself. For a very long time, a metal amalgam filling was the most common way to treat a cavity. However, these have been made largely obsolete by the existence of tooth-colored composite fillings. As the name suggests, these fillings blend in much better with your natural tooth than traditional amalgam. If you’re wondering about the difference between the two, here are a few reasons to pick composite fillings to repair areas of decay.


Discover How Ozone Therapy Can Improve Your Oral Health

May 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — thebloomcenter @ 11:48 am
Illustration of ozone molecule used in ozone therapy

When you think of the word “ozone,” the first thing that comes to your mind may be the planet’s atmosphere. Its ozone layer plays a big role in protecting humans from the sun’s harmful rays. But did you know that ozone gas also has applications in medicine and dentistry? In this blog post, we discuss what ozone therapy is and how it can benefit your smile’s well-being.


5 Ways to Combat Common Winter Mouth Issues

December 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — thebloomcenter @ 3:19 am
person drinking water to prevent winter mouth issues in Holliston

It’s wintertime, and that means hot drinks, seasonal treats, and cool, refreshing air. Even though taking in the crispness or winter weather can be pleasant, the colder months can do a lot of damage to your oral health. Read on to learn about common winter mouth issues and how you can combat them so you can enjoy the season to the fullest.


How to Get the Most Out of Thanksgiving with Dental Implants

November 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — thebloomcenter @ 8:41 pm
family enjoying Thanksgiving meal with eating with dental implants in Holliston

The holidays are here, and they’re called the most wonderful time of the year for a reason! Between spending time with loved ones and filling up on tasty seasonal delicacies, you can’t help but feel happy. Unfortunately, those who struggle with tooth loss may find that their incomplete smile and compromised bite make the holidays less than enjoyable. Luckily, eating with dental implants in Holliston can help. Keep reading to learn four ways that dental implants can improve your Thanksgiving.

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